The Impact of Winning Games – Strategies for Success

Children learn to win games by thinking strategically. They also understand that winning results from following the rules and not cheating.

Several studies have investigated the impact of winning and losing on social presence. These studies have used experimental approaches to give robust control over playing situations but, given the wide variety of team vs. team games, have limited the number of games that can be explored.

Focus on your strengths

Despite what we are all told, working on our weaknesses won’t get us to where we want to be in life or business. Instead, it would help if you turned your strengths into habits. Continuously find ways to spend more time on your muscles and less time on your weaknesses.

This is the first step in transforming from a weakness-focused mindset into one that will bring success, life, and motivation to your work. Managers who neglect to focus on their strengths can become like hammer-wielding mechanics: every organizational problem looks like a nail, and they keep pounding away at it. In contrast, leaders who consistently focus on their strengths can be seen as a source of inspiration, encouragement, and motivation for their teams.

Create a game plan

Creating a game plan to achieve instant win games is essential in achieving success. A game plan is a set of goals and strategies to complete your long-term and short-term objectives. It can be as simple or detailed as you like, but it should be written down. A game plan will help you stay focused on your objectives and give you direction in which to go.

To create a game plan, start by setting a goal for yourself. Then, break that goal down into small, manageable objectives and tasks. Finally, identify a date by which you want to reach your goal. This is known as the intended date of completion (IDC). Once you have an IDC, you can develop your strategy and tactics for success.

Invest in yourself

Investing in yourself means taking steps that will help you achieve your goals. It may include learning new skills, pursuing education, or finding a mentor. It also includes making choices that will make you happy, healthy, and financially secure in the long run.

The key to investing in yourself is starting with clear and measurable goals that you can work towards daily. Having these written down gives them meaning and creates a path to success.

For example, if you are in a sales role, invest in sales training that will teach you how to close more clients consistently. Or, if you are looking to advance your career, consider a professional designation, as many industries highly value these.

Develop your network

People who know and care about you are the foundation of your network. They will be your first source for unbiased, outside perspectives when facing career challenges, and they can provide you with leads on new opportunities. They can even help you succeed at your current job by recommending you for a position they are aware of. Developing your network requires an active investment of time and effort to build mutually beneficial relationships. However, many people misunderstand networking and use it to manipulate others, which comes off as gross, annoying, and unprofessional. Avoid this mistake by building your network intentionally and thoughtfully. Send a check-in email every month or so, schedule a phone call, or buy a coffee to keep in touch with your connections.

Take action

You may have all the knowledge, but it will only be helpful with inspired action. So, as soon as you finish reading this, take some action that will move you closer to your hopes and dreams. If you need more inspiration, check out Mel’s training “Potential into Reality” (see links below). It will teach you how to shift from desperation to inspired action for sustainable success. …… .