For people who rely on their cars for work or road trips, a credit card that earns bonus rewards on gas purchases can make all the difference. Some cards also provide perks like travel protection or primary rental car insurance that can add value.
Annual Fees
Annual fees are an essential factor to consider when choosing a fuel credit card. They affect how much you can earn in rewards and whether that earning potential is worth paying a fee. The good news is some cards come with annual fee waivers for the first year. Some offer bonus points or perks like airport lounge access or application fee credit.
Fuel-branded cards typically offer more savings than general reward cards. They offer cashback or points earned on gas station purchases and other purchases, such as grocery shopping and department stores. Some of these cards offer a few cents off specifically on specific grades of gasoline, which can quickly add up to savings.
The best gas credit cards for bad credit often have lower fees and sign-up incentives that can more than makeup for them, making them a wise choice for people trying to establish or rebuild their credit through responsible use. In addition, some of these cards report on-time payments to the credit bureaus to help you boost your score with consistent, responsible use. However, beware of high-interest rates on these cards and be prepared to pay off the balance in full each month to avoid paying penaConsider your options carefully.
The best fuel credit cards offer high rewards rates, no annual fees, and easy-to-use features. They are a fully scalable solution for fleets of any size, from small businesses with just a handful of vehicles to large enterprises operating nationwide fleets. These cards are electronic payment tools that look and work just like a credit card and require a simple swipe at the pump. While cash and traditional credit cards can be used to purchase fuel, they have severe drawbacks. They are vulnerable to theft and fraud, require manual expense reporting, and don’t provide insight into driver performance. With a fuel card, you can monitor where and when each purchase was made and other vital details.
Some brand-specific fuel cards provide bonus rewards for purchasing gas at the branded stations where you typically fuel. It can benefit trucking companies with a preferred network and those frequently traveling to specific locations. However, it would be inconvenient if you could not use your fuel card at other gas stations that your drivers often visit.
The best fuel cards will be able to be used at 95% of US stations, making them more convenient than some of their brand-specific counterparts. Consider this when evaluating fuel card options to ensure you’ll have enough station coverage in your fleet’s area of operation.
Suppose you’re looking for a fuel credit, options carefully. Many cards offer a combination of cashback and rewards points on all purchases, including fuel, while others focus solely on gas-related benefits. You can also find branded fuel cards that provide rebates specific to their parent companies. These cards are popular among people who favor a particular pump brand but typically have higher interest rates than general reward-based gas cards.
Another option is a fuel card that allows you to charge other fleet expenses, such as toll fees, engine lubricant, ts, maintenance, and parking fees, to the same card. It simplifies bookkeeping and reduces accounting and reporting costs. Some cards also give you access to a consolidated report of fleet consumption and receipts that can help you submit IFTA taxes with less time and effort.
If you’re paying by credit card at the pump, a crook may be stealing your personal information from your wallet. That’s because criminals often place card skimmers at unattended payment terminals, including those found at gas pumps. These devices capture the card’s magnetic stripe data, which can then be used to make fraudulent purchases or create counterfeit cards.
The good news is that fuel cards typically offer more robust security features than a typical credit card. Most fuel cards use an operator ID/PIN to limit access to the account, making it easy for fleet executives to revoke or freeze lost or stolen cards instantly. Some cards also allow you to restrict the types of fuel used, and some even mask the last four digits of the card number for additional security.
While intelligent thinking at the pump can reduce your risk of being skimmed, reviewing your monthly statements regularly for fraudulent activity is essential. Check for the most common signs of fraud and report any suspicious charges to your card issuer as soon as you spot them so that you can take steps to protect your financial information from crooks.