Uncovering the Secrets of Free Employment Validation

As an entrepreneur, finding the right employees for your business can be a challenge. Not only do you need to find individuals who possess the necessary skills, but you also want to ensure that they have a strong work history. Conducting employment verification can be a time-consuming and costly process, but with a little research, it can be done for free. Here are five innovative ways to verify employment at no cost.

  1. Social Media Sites

Social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter can be a valuable resource for employment verification. Many individuals list their work history on their profiles, including their current and previous employers, job titles, and dates of employment. Although there is nothing preventing an individual from falsely stating that he or she worked at a particular company for a period of time, it can be helpful to investigate.

  1. Online Services

Depending on the industry and the position, you may be able to verify an applicant’s job history using an online service. Some companies provide this job verification service to independent contractors such as delivery drivers, mystery shoppers, and tutors who otherwise have no proof of their employment. For instance, you can verify that a job applicant worked as a driver for Lyft using this Free Lyft Employment Verification service.

  1. Professional Organizations

Professional organizations such as trade associations and professional societies can be a great resource for employment verification. These organizations often maintain databases of their members, including their employment history and areas of expertise. For example, real estate agents, electricians, nurses, teachers and many other workers are required to register with at least one association or society in order to be legal. By contacting the relevant professional organization, entrepreneurs can verify the employment history of job applicants who are members.

Trade associations and professional societies typically maintain their records forever, so you may be able to verify a job applicant’s membership from many decades ago. Although newer records may be available online, you may have to call or visit the organization’s headquarters for documentation older than a few years.

  1. Government Agencies

Government agencies such as the Department of Labor and the Social Security Administration can provide valuable information about the employment history of job applicants. For example, the Department of Labor maintains a database of all unemployment insurance claims, while the Social Security Administration maintains records of all individuals who have earned Social Security benefits. Depending on the industry, you may be able to request records for the sake of employment verification.

  1. Client Referrals

Referrals can also be a useful tool for verifying employment history. Entrepreneurs can reach out to current or former clients of job applicants to confirm their work history. Client referrals can provide valuable insights into the candidate’s work habits, communication skills, and ability to complete a project.

By utilizing a combination of these five methods, entrepreneurs can conduct a thorough and effective employment verification process. Whether it’s through social media sites, online directories, professional organizations, government agencies, or client referrals, entrepreneurs have the resources they need to make solid hiring decisions.