Exploring the Causes of Phone Anxiety at Work

When it comes to workplace communication, phone calls can be intimidating. If your employees experience phone anxiety at work, taking it seriously and understanding why they may be anxious is essential. Phone phobia can cause emotional distress, such as sweating, blushing, and nervousness, as well as physical symptoms, such as a racing heart, clammy hands, and even digestive issues. This can impact workplace productivity and lead to a decline in self-esteem.

Fear of Making a Mistake

In a society where we can review and edit emails and texts before sending them, the impulsive nature of phone calls can be frightening. We may worry that we will say something inappropriate, come across as nervous, or even worse, stumble over our words and sound dumb.

Sometimes called telephobia, this fear can make it difficult to communicate with colleagues and clients. It can also prevent people from making sales or business calls, leading to a loss of income and missed opportunities. If you suffer from this type of anxiety, there are tips to fight phone anxiety at work you can try. You need to prepare before the call and write down important points you want to discuss. You don’t need to create a full script, but having an outline can help you overcome your stress. If your anxiety is severe, consider speaking with a therapist to get help. 

Fear of Not Making a Good Impression

Phone calls can make or break a professional relationship, so they must be handled confidently. However, some people feel uncomfortable talking on the phone and are unsure how to cope. They might avoid phone calls altogether or turn to text messaging instead. This can lead to missed opportunities and poor communication in the workplace.

It’s important to understand that feeling anxious when making a phone call is not necessarily a sign of social anxiety. In some cases, phone anxiety can be a symptom of other mental health issues like low self-esteem and a lack of interpersonal skills. If this is the case for you, it’s a good idea to consult a psychiatrist online.

Fear of Being Watched Over

During a phone call, gauging the other person’s reactions can be difficult. This can make a person anxious about the other party’s thoughts and feelings during the conversation. It can also be difficult to interpret non-verbal cues such as facial expressions. This is another reason why some people with social anxiety disorder may avoid phone calls and prefer to communicate via text messaging instead.

Fortunately, the fear of being watched over on a phone call can be overcome with time and practice. One way to overcome this fear is to work with a therapist specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This type of treatment involves identifying and challenging unhelpful or irrational thoughts.

Other techniques for overcoming phone anxiety include writing down what you want to say before the call, practicing breathing exercises, and visualizing the phone conversation going well. 

Fear of Making a Bad First Impression

Phone anxiety is a serious problem that can cause businesses to miss out on deals and reduce sales. It’s also a common source of workplace stress and can affect employee morale.

Some people who experience phone anxiety may find it difficult to speak openly about their feelings because they’re worried about how others might perceive them. This is why being transparent and honest with your colleagues is important.

One of the most effective ways to overcome phone anxiety is to practice, especially with friends and family. Writing out what you’re going to say beforehand can help as well. For calls you know you will have, create a template that includes everything from your opening greeting to your closing statement.