How Physical Therapy Can Help in the Workplace

Physical therapy focuses on the treatment and management of physical pain, disability, and impaired movement. Through various techniques, exercises, and modalities, physical therapists help individuals recover from injuries, reduce pain, and improve their physical mobility and function. 

While it is usually associated as being a treatment for athletes or those recovering from an injury, physical therapy also has valuable applications in the workplace which this article will outline below.

One of the primary ways that physical therapy can help people in the workplace is by reducing pain and discomfort often caused as a result of physical strain which can arise from activities such as sitting at a desk all day, repetitive motions, and carrying heavy bags or equipment. 

With the rise in flexible working and remote work, the demand for such services also appears to be increasing. According to a survey by Lenovo, 71% of over 20,000 remote workers reported injuries or ailments since starting to work from home with complaints including back and neck pain, poor posture, headaches, difficulty sleeping, and eye strain.

Physical therapy can help to alleviate these symptoms by working with individuals to strengthen and align posture, increase flexibility and mobility, and strengthen certain muscles in the body. As a result, people may experience less pain, improve their range of motion, and reduce the risk of injury, helping them perform their jobs more effectively and efficiently. You can visit this site to find out more about a career in physical therapy.

In addition to providing traditional physical therapy services, physical therapists can also conduct ergonomic assessments to identify and address the root causes of pain and discomfort in the workplace and to make recommendations for improvement.

By evaluating factors such as the employee’s workstation, equipment, and posture an ergonomic assessment can help to identify any factors that may be contributing to pain, discomfort, or injury in individuals. Specific exercises and techniques such as safe lifting techniques or desk height adjustments can then be implemented to improve the employee’s overall health and well-being in the workplace.

Another benefit of physical therapy in the workplace is stress reduction. Workplace stress can be a major contributor to mental and physical health problems and can result in lower productivity and absenteeism. Physical therapy can help to reduce stress by providing relaxation techniques, such as a massage, deep breathing exercises, and stretching which can help individuals lower their stress levels and improve their overall well-being, leading to a positive impact on their health and performance at work. You can visit this site to find out more about a career in physical therapy.

A sedentary lifestyle and lack of nutrition and exercise can also contribute to a range of health problems and decreased job performance in employees. Physical therapists can play a crucial role in helping employees maintain a healthy lifestyle by developing customized exercise plans that fit into their busy schedules and providing guidance on proper nutrition, hydration, and sleep patterns. By encouraging healthier habits, physical therapists can help employees maintain their physical and emotional well-being, reduce the risk of chronic health problems, and improve their performance at work. 

As these benefits highlight, physical therapy can greatly contribute to reducing pain and stress, and promoting healthy habits, helping employees perform at their best in the workplace, resulting in greater productivity and job satisfaction.