Is Major Chemicals a Good Career Path For You?

Is major chemicals a good career path? We believe that it is, and now is a great time to get involved. This is an ever-growing world with more job roles opening by the day and a huge amount of investment into the industry.

We have seen the world go from more of a globalized model to a regional one, so places like China where many chemicals and chemical compounds are produced are shifting towards North America which comes down more to national security. This sector is growing tremendously and in this post we go into a bit more how and why.

Major chemicals is an industry that can provide you with a wealth of benefits, from job security to competitive salaries and more. As you will already be aware, positions within this field require a unique set of skills and industry-specific qualifications.

Let’s take a deeper look at why this is such a great industry to work in, how many jobs are available in major chemicals, and what to expect when working in the industry.

graphic image of scientist

What are Major Chemicals?

One of the biggest sectors in the world is the industry of major chemicals. Moreover, one of the world’s largest producers of chemical goods is the United States. Given this, it is clear why such a large number of people are looking for job opportunities to get more education with a chemistry degree in order to get a job as a chemical engineer and start a career in this field.

But what does the major chemicals industry do? In plain English, it is the sector of the economy that employs raw resources to process engineer create chemicals for use in both industrial and commercial applications. The great thing about this enormous business is that there are many various job profiles available.

Here are a few of the industry’s most popular professional paths:

Sales and Marketing 

Jobs in chemistry are about far more than mixing and testing chemicals to create new products, sales, and marketing also feature heavily. Companies need to get their products out there, they need to increase sales to re-invest in research and development too. Additionally, all businesses rely heavily on a good reputation, and major chemical firms do too. If you have the industry knowledge and you have sales and promotional skills, this could be the right area for you.


Those working in production are focused on the manufacturing of chemical products. This could be the creation of new products, improving existing products, or overseeing manufacturing on the whole. These jobs make up the largest share of positions in the industry.

Research and Development 

Each company in major chemicals allocates a percentage of its income to research and development, a critical area for them. R and D focus both on attempts to improve existing products and on the creation of new products. This is an area for specialized minds and is often seen as one of the most exciting jobs in chemistry. Being part of a great product is extremely rewarding.

Quality Control

Any industry that does research and creates a product needs to ensure that they are fit for purpose before it hit the market, and major chemicals are no different.

Given the risk factor involved with many of chemical processes and products, quality control is a very important part of the research and production process especially when it involves raw materials.

This may not be one of the best-paying jobs in major chemicals, but its importance cannot be understated.

Focus on The Growth of Major Chemicals

As mentioned in the intro, this is an extremely fast-growing industry and shows no signs of slowing down. We have already seen predictions that the hiring of chemical engineers alone is set to increase by 9 percent year on year until 2030.

Salaries have risen by 30% in the last decade, way above the national average. Given this existing and anticipated growth, now is the best time to look at a career within major chemicals.

Pros and Cons of Working In Major Chemicals

When considering ‘is major chemicals a good career path’? It is important to consider both the pros and the cons. Although we certainly think that this industry offers a great career, you may think differently when you look deeper into the benefits and disadvantages.


  • Job Openings
  • Salaries and Perks
  • Intellectually Stimulating
  • Cutting Edge Tech

Given how many jobs are available in major chemicals, we cannot ignore this as one of the great benefits of this industry. Thanks to the rapid growth rate, positions at all levels are opening up daily. This is great news for those looking to kickstart a career in major chemicals.

Given the level of skill and knowledge that you will need in this industry, plus the value of the products you’ll be working with, job rewards are very generous indeed. You will be able to count on lucrative salaries, bonuses, and other perks depending on which company you work for.

Other high-paying jobs can be boring, but that is something you couldn’t accuse the major chemical industry of being. Those working within it often speak about the intellectually challenging and stimulating nature of their job as one of the biggest benefits. To be pushed every day keeps you motivated, and that’s what you can expect with a position in this industry.

Another attractive feature of working in major chemicals is working on the cutting edge of technology.

Companies in this sphere utilize the latest techniques, machinery, and products in manufacturing. This is very much an industry known for breaking new ground in product development.


  • Potentially Hazardous Conditions
  • Lack of Clear Path of Progression

Although safety equipment is always provided, we cannot escape the fact that working in this industry will probably mean that you have to work in hazardous conditions. Sadly, and despite protective equipment, many accidents occur across this industry, some resulting in severe injury.

Another disadvantage to consider is that not all companies within major chemicals have a clearly defined pathway to higher-level positions. Promotions are always available, yet when we compare the defined route to leadership that other industries have, major chemicals come up short. Owing to how many jobs are available in major chemicals, there will be opportunities, but you’ll have to push for them on your own.

What Skills and Qualifications Will You Need

There aren’t too many positions in this field that you can get without a bachelor’s degree, although you may be able to find an internship that can help you. This is not an industry where just any bachelor’s degree will do, it will have to be in the sciences and include chemistry majors.

For the best-paying jobs in major chemicals, you should be looking at obtaining at least a master’s degree, and a Ph.D. for the very top-level positions.

In terms of the skills that you will need, these are the most important:

  • Problem-solving
  • Analytical skills
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Design skills
  • Perseverance

Other skills will come in useful, such as interpersonal skills, patience, and a hard work ethic, but the above are the skills you will need most.

Best Paid Jobs In Major Chemicals

Let’s take a look at some of the top-paying jobs within the world of major chemicals.

Research Scientist

This role will see you conduct studies and experiments on a range of new and existing products. This is a position that requires patience, intelligence, analytical thinking, and problem-solving behaviors. You will spend a lot of time in the lab and command an average salary of $85,000.

male scientist in a white lab coat


This is also a position in which you will spend a great amount of time in the lab, overseeing experiments and trials. Not only this, it will be your job to head up the team that crunches the data and makes necessary changes to the chemical manufacturing process. On average, this position pays $102,000.

Materials Scientist

Materials scientists are experts who research the chemical composition and structural characteristics of diverse materials, such as composites, metals, ceramics, and polymers. To find ways to enhance these materials and develop new types of products or improve existing ones, they integrate the knowledge of engineering, physics, and chemistry. A materials scientist earns an average of $90,000.

Organic Chemist

The chemical structures of organic molecules are studied by organic chemists in the world of chemical engineering . These specialists in organic chemistry research the characteristics of chemicals to determine how to produce and enhance them. Organic chemists are required across the industry and command an average wage of $83,000 after completing a chemical engineering degree and a couple of years of work experience.

Why You Will Love Major Chemicals

Is major chemicals a good career path? We certainly think so, and for us, it is the speed by which this industry is growing that is most attractive. Here you will be able to use your skills, your knowledge, and your ambition, to forge a truly rewarding and successful career.

Now is the perfect time for you to take on a new career in this exciting industry.