What is Core Plus in Real Estate?

Core plus real estate is a term used to describe an investment strategy that uses a core-and-value approach to acquire and maintain multifamily properties. The strategy takes more risk than traditional core funds but offers more untapped potential. Generally, the properties involved in these strategies are located in desirable neighborhoods with medium to high vacancy levels. Core plus real estate investments are properties that command a premium over their market value. They have low leverage, stable cash flow, and high-quality tenants on long-term leases.

Core plus funds take a bit more risk than traditional core funds

Core plus real estate investments are attractive for individual investors, especially those with a higher risk tolerance. They are generally characterized by their location and the quality of tenants. These properties generate cash flow through leases and management improvements. This means they tend to be low-risk, stable, and predictable. However, they have their risks. One of the biggest challenges faced by core plus property owners is balancing the risks of investing with the expected returns. The amount of risk varies depending on the type of property. While most properties are relatively safe, the risk of a 10% decline in property value could lead to foreclosure or a loss of capital. Core real estate investments also require active participation. This means the property owner is required to keep up with maintenance and improvements. It is also advisable to hold on to the property for a more extended period of time. Some investors may use up to 80% of their cash to purchase the property, which can increase the risk.

Low leverage

Core plus real estate is a category of commercial real estate that includes multifamily properties. These properties provide steady cash flow from quality tenants. They are located in a good area and require little capital to improve. Depending on your risk tolerance, you can use core plus strategies to generate returns between 8% and 10% per year. This type of investment is ideal for individuals looking for a more conservative approach to real estate. Core investments are often considered the least risky type of real estate. They typically provide a stable cash flow, low to moderate vacancy rates, and long-term leases. In addition, they are often well maintained, centrally located, and offer a reliable source of income. A core plus property might have a high debt load, but this does not mean it is a poor investment. The higher leverage does magnify returns.

Stable cash flow

One of the benefits of owning real estate is the ability to generate stable cash flow. This can allow you to diversify your investments and invest surplus cash in more profitable projects. When investing in real estate, you must first consider a few things.

Several factors will affect your cash flow. These include the investment types you choose. Purchasing an undeveloped property will not likely give you a stable cash flow. However, a well-executed value-added strategy could increase your overall returns.

A well-constructed multi-year lease can give you a clearer picture of the potential cash flow for your property. It can specify the monthly rental rate, the tenant’s real estate taxes, and insurance costs. If you are looking for the best cash flow, consider properties in high-demand markets. In addition to high occupancy rates, these assets will also have minimal maintenance requirements.

High-quality tenants on long-term leases

Core plus real estate is a property investment strategy that targets high-quality assets with long-term leases. Stable, good-credit tenants often occupy these properties with good rental histories. The key to core plus investments is understanding how to maximize the property’s cash flow. This can include improving the condition of the building, improving management efficiency and tenant quality, and reducing risk. Core plus assets generally command higher rents than comparable properties. Additionally, there is less need for extensive renovations. Core plus real estate is an attractive option for investors who seek capital growth. The investment is generally held for 5-10 years. It is also a reliable income producer. However, the asset’s value may appreciate slower than other property types.

Core plus properties have a more significant amount of untapped potential

Core plus real estate properties have more untapped potential than core properties. These investment properties are often well-occupied, have high-quality tenants, and command higher rents. This allows the owner to generate a more predictable income stream and capital appreciation. Investors who use this strategy typically desire an annual return between 8% and 10%. The risk is generally moderate. Leverage is usually used between 45% and 60% but can be as high as 80%. Core plus properties require more active involvement by the owner. In addition to the property, management improvements are also necessary to improve cash flow. Owners must have a strong business plan for improving the property. These properties are more volatile than core properties and may require more capital for technology upgrades and repairs. Additionally, they have more debt than core investments. Properties that are older or need major renovations may have low occupancy and deferred maintenance.