6 Different Ways Realtors Can Get Creative to Find New Leads


The business of selling real estate can get very competitive when it comes to finding leads. Competition is fierce and new prospects are hard to come by. Instead of relying on the same traditional methods that can get stale, business saavy realtors are thinking outside the box to come up with new ways to find potential clients. Let’s face it: If you keep doing the same things over and over again, you will get the same results. In order to thrive in this constantly-evolving industry, now more than ever before, realtors need to find new ways to find new leads. This article examines 5 smart ways realtors can discover fresh prospects for their business and increase their exposure.

obituary in newspaper

Stand out on social media

Realtors don’t just need to be where their customers are; they also need to be where their customers are looking. That’s why it’s important for realtors to be present on social media, where approximately 91% of people are spending their time online. If you’re not on social media, your potential customers may never see you at all. This is a missed opportunity for realtors, who could be connecting with potential clients and growing their business. Why are social media sites like Facebook and Instagram so important? First of all, these networks are where the bulk of your target market is. They’re also an easy way to share information and build your brand. On these platforms, you can post content that informs and engages your followers. You can also use these networks to find new leads. One of the best ways for realtors to find new leads on social media is to create and actively maintain a robust, engaging, and up-to-date Facebook page. With a Facebook page, you can: – Share information about your business and your services – Build a community around your brand – Discover and interact with potential customers – Host polls, surveys, and question and answer (Q&A) sessions

Search the obituaries in your local newspaper

Believe it or not, your local newspaper obituaries might be a great place to source new leads. Of course, the death of a loved one is not something to capitalize on, but if you take note of people’s names and give them a bit of time for mourning, you might be doing them a service by helping someone to sell their home which might be unmanageable without their spouse around, especially in old age. Philadelphia realtor Tim Christens says, “I tell new realtors to visit the Philadelphia inquirer obituaries to see recent deaths, create a database, and then reach out in a reasonable time frame. You actually are often doing these people a service if they are in financial distress and can’t manage their home anymore. It’s important to always be respectful though of course.”

Host open houses

Realtor open houses are a great way to discover new prospects for your business and meet potential clients face-to-face. An open house is an event where realtors showcase houses on the market. Open houses are typically held on Saturdays and Sundays, but some realtors choose to host them on weekdays as well. Realtors often host open houses in areas where they don’t have many listings. This is because hosting open houses in areas where you have listings can cut into your business in a negative way. First of all, realtors who have listings in the area may feel slighted. After all, you’re bringing prospective clients to listings that they have worked hard to sell. Secondly, realtors who don’t have listings in the area may see your open house as an opportunity: They may attend the open house and end up buying a house from you.

Partner up with other aligned businesses

Many realtors have built successful businesses by partnering with other businesses in their area. For example, a realtor in an area with a high number of seniors may partner with an assisted living facility in the area. This can be a mutually beneficial arrangement. In exchange for a share of the profits, the assisted living facility can create buzz and attract potential customers by hosting open houses and inviting realtors to host open houses there. Realtors who partner with other businesses to attract new leads may also choose to partner with local tech companies. An increasing number of people use technology to find realtors and houses. Some realtors have teamed up with technology companies to offer online lead generation. This allows realtors to market their business online. Other realtors have partnered with tech companies to integrate their services into the apps and websites these companies already offer. For example, an app that helps people find grocery stores and restaurants in their area may offer realtor listings too.

Utilize the newest technologies

This may seem like a no-brainer, but many realtors overlook the importance of using technology to attract new leads. Technology plays a huge part in people’s lives, so it makes sense that realtors would want to use it to grow their businesses. Realtors have a variety of tools at their disposal to attract new leads online. Many realtors have created websites, blog posts, and social media accounts to promote their business and attract new leads. Other realtors have given online seminars and webinars, which are great ways to connect with your community and get your name out there.

Utilize email marketing to send out newsletters

Many realtors have discovered the benefits of sending out professional newsletters to past clients and potential clients. This can be an excellent way to keep your name in the minds of your clients and prospects and to keep your business at the forefront of their minds. Realtors can send newsletters via email (or snail mail. Email newsletters are simple to create and easy to send. However, realtors should consider sending newsletters via snail mail as well: It’s more personal and can be more effective in some instances for older customers.


Realtors need to find new ways to find new leads. The traditional ways don’t work like they used to, so it’s time to try something new. By implementing the strategies listed above, you can discover new prospects and increase your exposure. And remember: The best way to find leads is to love what you do and be passionate about helping people.