Top Business Careers for Women in 2022

Women around the world are becoming more and more inclined towards starting their independent ventures either as a form of side business or going in full-time.

Statistics show that we have twice as many women as compared to men who have chosen to become entrepreneurs over the last two years.

If you are thinking of joining the list of those women, you have certainly come to the right place. We have picked out a selection of women-friendly businesses that are the talk of the town these days. Here are a few of our top business careers for women in 2022.

business career ideas for women interior design

Open an e-commerce store

For women with strong entrepreneurial ambitions, we have great news. With the rapid increase in online shopping in the past few years, e-commerce is said to be the future.

You can transfer goods, services, and funds through the internet via retail giants like Amazon or Etsy, without the need for establishing a physical store or site, an e-commerce business offers you great flexibility and control over your time and work schedule.

To start, you need to first decide what you are going to sell and find your niche. Set up your business by deciding on a brand name, logo, and structure, and then build an online store for it. 

Shortlist the platforms you want to engage on and market your business. Remember, the key is to start small, stay motivated and you will eventually find your way up. 

Interior Designing

It is no surprise that interior designing is most women’s favorite choice when it comes to business ideas for women in 2022. If you have an eye and creative sense to play with colors, a unique way to design spaces, and have fun arranging the furniture around, then this is a perfect fit for you. 

People who reach out to interior designers, entrusting them with their spaces want someone who can share their vision and ultimately materialize it. However, you must know that interior designing is worth so much more than just decorating spaces or changing colors, it is a serious full-time commitment.

Nowadays, formal and extensive education has become almost mandatory for people interested in this field, either a degree or a diploma in it or related fields such as architecture, computer-aided design, etc.

Subsequently, you have to network with people in your field and find yourself, someone, you can learn from. Finding a mentor is a way to move forward and enables you to market yourself and create a solid portfolio, crafting your own space. 

Makeup and Beauty

Though it might sound cliché, there is no bigger and ever-growing business industry than the beauty industry and is believed to be one of the best business careers for women in 2022.

It surely is an exciting and inspiring place filled with strong and empowering women beaming with countless evolving ideas. The best part about getting into this business is that the possibilities and scope are endless.

You have so many options to choose from. For instance, skincare, haircare, fragrances, beauty products and accessories, makeup products or makeup services, etc. and these are just the line of ideas which you could choose working in.

There is a whole other stream of compartments within these businesses that you could choose to opt for including manufacturing, formulation, product development, operations, sales, branding, etc.

Once you decide on the domain of your business, you then would need to choose and select its end target. It can be either women or men or even both depending on what you can curate better for.

Truth to be told, even today male beauty is greatly untapped and there is a lot of potential and scope given you have the eye for it. 

Fitness Training

Nowadays, and mostly since the pandemic, there has been a rapid surge among people of every age to stay fit and look good. Healthy lifestyle and physical fitness has become the new cool, especially on the social media outlets where perfection is most sought for.

If you are someone who is a fitness freak and is a living testament to a healthy lifestyle, this one might just be the right thing for you to do.

To begin with, you should have compulsory training and certification to become a trainer. Once you have that, you have the option of opening up your place or even choosing an online platform to widen your reach.

Content Creation

Content creation has been the need of the hour for this social media tech-savvy generation. Businesses more than ever are seeing increased growth and sales due to successful content marketing and content creation through social media influencers and content creators. The most successful entrepreneurs are operating using CRM management software that will be imperative as you scale to manage projects, especially ones that have a chat platform integrated.

If you are someone who has a great aesthetic sense and has the skills to interact with and reach a greater digital audience through different mediums, content creation might just be an ideal business opportunity for you. Now it’s time for you to take one of the top business careers for women in 2022 listed above and start your new chapter today.