Innovative Ways to Use HR API in Your HR Processes

HR teams have their hands complete managing employee records across multiple systems. Manually re-entering data fields from one system to another can lead to errors and make it challenging to run comprehensive reports.

Software integration allows your HR apps to connect in real time and create a unified data hub. This can reduce time-consuming processes and eliminate errors.

Connecting Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

HR teams use multiple apps for tasks like managing applicant relationships, sourcing, screening, evaluating, and scheduling candidates. These tools can be connected and automated using an API so employees and managers don’t have to switch between apps manually.

Streamlining these applications reduces the time and effort needed to do administrative work. It also helps to avoid data silos that cause inconsistencies and errors. The right tools can also help to streamline paper-based processes so that new hires don’t have to hand in documents or wait for the HR team to e-verify their background checks.

Choose Bamboo HR API solution to connect applications for the best results. A solution offers prebuilt connectors that pull data from the source app and a middleware platform that maps and transforms that data based on unlimited business rules to push it into the target application. This means the HR team can no longer manually re-enter data into each application and can focus on more strategic work that grows your business. This can save several days or even a whole team’s work a month.

Connecting Human Resources Management Systems (HRMS)

Regarding HR integration, APIs have a considerable advantage over their older counterparts. Because API-fueled solutions work in tandem with your core systems, they’re more agile and less disruptive to your business. This makes them perfect for HR technology, which can be especially sensitive to change.

Traditional standalone programs often require IT maintenance, which can significantly stall productivity. In addition, they may only be accessible from the desktop or laptop on which they were installed, limiting off-site access. In contrast, most solutions in today’s e-commerce HR application marketplace are built to be integrated via standardized APIs. This enables them to connect to core systems easily, making the switch from one to another as easy as shopping for new shoes or a haircut.

HRMS features include employee and manager self-service, mobile apps, localization, personalized dashboards, and workflow automation. Additionally, they can deliver employee-related functions like performance management, career development, goal administration, and training and competency assessments. They can also manage leave, time-off requests, and project tracking. They can help optimize the company’s talent and organizational structure through workforce planning, analytics, and strategic decision-making.

Connecting Payroll Systems

A large global company’s payroll system can contain vast information, including time sheets, benefit elections, etc. Payroll is complex, especially with varying tax laws and jurisdictions, expansive workforces, and manual bookkeeping.

HR teams need to access and consolidate a lot of data from multiple software platforms. 

When implementing new technologies for the HR department, ensuring your technology team has the time and technical expertise to design and implement APIs is essential. Luckily, today’s low-code/no-code integration tools allow HR departments to play an active role in designing and automating their solutions.

If you are ready to get your hands dirty with integrations, the best way to understand your options is to ask your IT and development team about your options. 

Connecting Learning Management Systems (LMS)

HR integration is using a 3rd-party or in-house solution to connect an application with another, creating the ability for data to flow between applications in real-time. With this, teams can focus on tasks rather than transferring information from one system to another.

This automation eliminates many manual errors. For example, a recruiter could accidentally input the wrong salary in a job advert, or an HR manager might need to know which application their incoming employee needs to access. These kinds of mistakes are often difficult to catch, and if they need to be corrected in time can impact the whole business.

Syncing the LMS with the HR information system allows training and development professionals to focus on their work. With a single source of truth, they can develop hyper-personalized learning journeys for employees based on their skill sets, seniority, and compliance requirements. This gives employees a more customized experience and makes them more likely to engage with the training they need to perform well in their jobs. This saves valuable development and human resources staff time that can be spent on other projects, boosting morale and productivity across the organization.

Connecting Performance Management Systems (PMS)

If you’re looking to create a top-notch employee experience, HR is key. But with the right tools, you can keep HR focused on people and not paperwork by automating the most repetitive and time-consuming tasks.

With a robust software robot, you can simplify complex HR processes, streamline employee onboarding and training, and increase employee and manager productivity. Automating these processes also helps reduce risk and ensures regulatory compliance.

Having multiple systems for performance management, applicant tracking, recognition, training, payroll, and more causes employees to jump between apps, which wastes time and leads to disengagement. With automation, you can reduce the number of systems employees use, eliminating the need to update their information or call HR to get answers manually.

Using APIs to connect your HR apps makes data sharing instant instead of requiring manual double-data entry. Depending on the number of applications you use, this can save many days’ worth of work each month—and frees up HR professionals to focus on strategic work that grows your business.