Is Telecommunications Equipment a Good Career Path?

Before corded phones, computers, and smartphones, we had to send letters to each other or come in person to talk to one another. Now, the nation and world are connected more so than ever at the touch of a button.

Is telecommunications equipment a good career? If you are a technical individual, you may consider entering the telecommunications equipment industry as your career choice.

What is the Telecommunications Equipment Industry?

Telecommunications equipment is the largest subsection of the overall telecommunications industry in the United States. Telecom services is the second largest in the industry while the

As a telecommunications equipment professional, you work with different devices that deliver different types of media and communications nationwide and worldwide. You will work with  equipment where video, audio, and other voice and video connections. Such equipment includes commercial phones, home phones, home computers, laptops, routers, cameras and so much more.

Primarily, you will build, fix, and maintain equipment and networks for television, Internet, and telephone such as:

  • Channels and terminals within a telecommunications network.
  • Telecommunications software.
  • Processors that make telecommunications possible.

History of the Telecommunications Industry

The industry took precedence in the United States when Samuel Morse invented the telegraph in 1837 that allowed individuals to call one another from long distances. Hence, it was the first telephone in the nation.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is the government entity that regulates and oversees telecommunications services. The Communications Act of 1934 introduced the FCC to make distribution and receipt of radio, telegraph, and telephone services fair and legal for all companies and consumers.

As telecommunications conglomerates surfaced, the American government sought to enhance competition in the industry. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 commanded that any potential business owner can start a venture in the communications industry with the opportunity to advance their brand.

Skills Needed To Work With Telecommunications Equipment

As you navigate a potential career in telecommunications equipment there are many soft skills that you need to succeed. While you can always learn more about the equipment you are servicing through continuous training, having specific soft skills can set you up for satisfaction and advancement at your affiliated company or as a small business owner in the industry.

The key soft skills you need when working with telecommunications equipment include:

Always Open to Learning

With that being said, one key soft skill you should have is always being open to learning. Whether it’s about the equipment’s interface, how to install it, or a new way you and your team are collaborating to advance the company, stay open to learning new ways of doing tasks to advance in your position.


Teamwork and communication is integral for installing telecommunications equipment properly. You will not be alone when doing this task. Work with your team to wire the connections accordingly so you can deliver telecommunications services to your local area.


Speaking of team, working in the telecommunications equipment industry requires collaboration. For example, a new technician on the team may be having issues troubleshooting a piece of equipment. Another technician may have experience in fixing this equipment to where they can help the new technician to get the job done.


Every piece of telecommunications equipment comes with a manual. You can troubleshoot the problem with a piece of equipment by analyzing its behavior and wiring. Write down the steps you will take to stay organized as you work to build, fix, and maintain the telecommunications equipment in your affiliated company or small business.

Top Paying Jobs in the Telecommunications Equipment Industry

As you consider your possible niche in the telecommunications equipment industry, it’s best to know the top paying jobs so you can get the most fruitful experience out of your career venture. Of course, you want to make the most money to advance living opportunities for you and your family.

Whether you decide to work for a company or incorporate your own business, these salary findings from the Bureau of Labor Statistics will give you an idea of earnings potential for each position listed below. The top paying positions in the telecommunications equipment industry are:

Line Installers and Repairers

According to the latest salary comparison tools,  line Installers and repairers net about $74,530 per year and $35.83 per hour as of 2021. Electrical Power-Line Installers usually make more per year at $78,310 compared to Telecommunications Line Installers that make about $60,190 annually.

Line Installers and Repairers net about $74,530 per year and $35.83 per hour as of 2021. Electrical Power-Line Installers usually make more per year at $78,310 compared to Telecommunications Line Installers that make about $60,190 annually.

In this position, you will install new telephone lines in different areas throughout your company’s district. You may be on-call to come repair telephone lines if there are any thunderstorms, hurricanes, or other natural disasters that tear them down.

Installers and repairers make the most because of the technical nature of their position working with fiber optics. There is also the danger aspect of working with power lines which requires strategic tactics and extensive training to do it safely. If you need to finance classes for this training, look into personal loans or title loans in Washington to front the cost before you find a job in the trade.

Electrical and Electronics Installers and Repairers

Electrical and Electronics Installers and Repairers make slightly more than Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers. They net about $61,760 per year and $29.69 per hour.

In this position, you will repair many different types of electrical and electronic equipment depending on the telecommunications company in which you are affiliated. You may fix Internet routers, home PCs, laptops, older style telephones, or even smartphones. For example, the Geek Squad will troubleshoot your PC or laptop to get it back in working order.

Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers

According to 2021 Bureau of Labor Statistics findings, Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers make about $60,370 per year and $29.02 per hour.

In this position, you may install and repair important communications equipment such as Internet routers and satellite television connections. For example, Xfinity representatives install cable and Internet routers in people’s homes.

Benefits of Working in the Telecommunications Equipment Industry

The telecommunications equipment industry is expanding rapidly. Market Research feature states that the telecommunications equipment market size is projected to expand at 11.23% compound annual rate of growth from 2019 to 2025.

There is a low barrier to entry in this industry with so much money-making potential. Plus, the possible chances for advancement are plentiful.

Start Fresh Out of High School

Many industries require an Associates or Bachelors to start in a position, which can cause you to spend more time advancing your education than making you money right away. In telecommunications equipment, you can start the industry fresh out of high school and still have promise of a great paycheck.

In your company, you will undergo job training to advance your understanding in telecommunications networks, software, and equipment. Depending on your position, you may also need certification.

Travel-Based Positions

Working can get boring when you have to go to the same location every day. Being in the telecommunications equipment industry allows you to travel to different locations in your company’s district to install, repair, and maintain. If you own a small business, you are in charge of your service radius to the local community.

Constant Job Security

While some jobs do not have enough security, telecommunications equipment is always needed to make the world go round. Hence, you will have constant job security and opportunities for advancement in your field.

People are always going to order cable and Internet for their home. Even popular companies and small businesses need these services, too.

Final Thoughts on Telecommunications Equipment As A Career Path

Is telecommunications equipment a good career path? Yes! With great hourly and annual pay, ability to travel, and many ways to diversify your career portfolio in the industry, you can succeed as a telecommunications equipment technician.