The Different Types of Dimples People Have

Dimples, those adorable small indentations that grace the faces of some fortunate individuals, have long been a subject of fascination and admiration for all.

These charming features, although considered a genetic anomaly, are often perceived as an attractive trait, enhancing the beauty of a person’s smile. This article explores the different types of dimples that exist and their significance.

woman with dimples

What Are Dimples Exactly?

Dimples are small, natural indentations that can appear on various parts of the body such as the face, lower back, and even the corner of the mouth or chin. They are most commonly associated with the cheeks and are prominently noticeable when a person smiles and occur equally between men and women.

Scientifically, dimples can be described as the outcome of the movement of the skin over the bifurcated zygomaticus major muscle. This movement of facial muscle results in the formation of dimples occurring on the face when an individual grins.

Interestingly, dimples are not just physical features but also carry a spiritual connotation. Astrologically, individuals possessing dimples are considered fortunate and are believed to be blessed with happiness and beauty.

The Prevalence of Dimples

Dimples are considered a rare genetic trait, with estimates suggesting only 20% of the global population naturally having them. Despite this rarity, natural dimples themselves are highly sought after, with many people desiring to possess these unique indentations.

Types of Dimples

Dimples can manifest in various forms, each with its unique charm and appeal. Here are some of the most common types of dimples:

Cheek Dimples

Cheek dimples are the most recognized and desired form of dimples. They can be either unilateral, appearing on one cheek, or bilateral, appearing on both cheeks.

These facial dimples are typically become more noticeable when the individual smiles, enhancing the attractiveness of their facial expressions.

Chin Dimples

Also known as a cleft chin, this type of cheek dimple often appears on the chin, in the shape of a small dot or gap. This same dimple formation can also appear as a side chin dimple, located on one end of the chin.

Mouth Corner Dimples

Often referred to as fovea mentalis, these dimples form on the lower part of the mouth, either on one side or both sides of the mouth corners.

Lower Back Dimples

types of dimples - back dimples

Also known as dimples of Venus, these dimples are found on the lower back and are considered quite attractive. They are formed due to a short ligament stretching between hip bone, the posterior superior iliac spine and the skin.

Elbow Dimples

Although rare, skin dimples can also form on the elbows, usually as a result of an injury or strain that causes the joint to swell.

Factors Influencing the Formation of Dimples

The formation of dimples is influenced by several factors, including genetics, age, and certain physical changes.


Dimples are often considered a hereditary trait, passed down from parents to their offspring. However, the genetic transmission of this trait is not entirely straightforward.

Not all parents with dimples give birth to children with the same feature, and vice versa.


Age also plays a role in the presence and visibility of dimples. Some individuals may have dimples during their childhood, which disappear as they mature, while others may develop dimples later in life.

Physical Changes

Physical changes, such as fluctuations in weight, can also affect the presence and prominence of dimples.

Dimples and Beauty

Dimples have long been associated with beauty and attractiveness. Here are a few reasons why:

Youthful Appearance

Dimples often give individuals a youthful, vibrant look, making them appear younger than their actual age.

Enhanced Facial Features

Dimples can accentuate a person’s facial features, and facial expression, making them more appealing and attractive. They can highlight a person’s smile, eyes, and cheekbones, adding to their overall charm.

Unique Trait

Being a rare trait, dimples make individuals stand out and look unique, adding to their appeal.

Dimples and Health

Interestingly, dimples are not just cosmetic features; they also have a correlation with health. They can indicate the good health condition of a person, serving as a sign that the human body is functioning optimally.

Celebrities with Dimples

Many celebrities, known for their distinct facial features, possess dimples. Some of the famous faces with dimples include Ariana Grande, Miranda Kerr, John Travolta, Beyoncé Knowles, and Brad Pitt, among others.

Creating Dimples: Dimpleplasty

For those who desire dimples but were not naturally blessed with them, there’s a solution: dimpleplasty. This cosmetic procedure involves creating artificial dimples on the face, allowing individuals to achieve the charming dimpled look.

Embracing Your Unique Features

While dimples are undeniably attractive, it is important to remember that beauty transcends physical attributes. Whether you have dimples or not, it’s vital to love and embrace your unique features, as they make you who you are.

Dimples are fascinating features that can enhance an individual’s attractiveness. Whether they’re naturally occurring or surgically created, these charming indentations can contribute significantly to a person’s overall look, making them appear more youthful, unique, and appealing.