Infrastructure Trends Impacting Startup Access to Office Space in the United States

Constant advancements in the United States business infrastructure are shifting industry trends in office space. Traditional office layouts are constantly being redesigned and enhanced in order to boost productivity. Plain office designs are being replaced by sophisticated layouts that promote collaboration and productivity. These changes are encompassing a number of unique business industries in the US.  As employee retention becomes more difficult, it is integral to make your workspace a healthier, happier, and more productive environment. Following the top emerging trends for workplace architecture can help you develop a more productive and collaborative working environment. Read on to learn about the top changes impacting startup access to office space.

Real Estate

Constant changes impacting access to office space in the US are impacting the real estate industry. Recent years have increased housing demand, and contributed to a growth in apartment units, residential properties, and investment spaces. The increased demand for housing has led real estate groups to thrive locating their businesses in metropolitan locations. Real estate firms in these areas sell residential, commercial, investment, and industrial properties throughout major US cities. While these businesses are looking to sell properties in major cities, a number of real estate films are still building office space in smaller US townships. Real estate businesses here often work to source affordable housing for the US’s lower income class. Changes in office space a greatly impacting the real estate industry.

Private Space

Even with modern office spaces promoting in-house collaboration, traditional private office space is still incredibly popular. Private working space includes several private offices for business executives and board members. There are also several private conference and meeting rooms throughout office space. In order to divide up employees on the sales floor, many business owners utilize office cubicles or partitions. These are inexpensive barriers that provide employees the necessary privacy to improve their focus. In order to reduce costs, many business owners have even choose to purchase used office cubicles from furniture providers. Changing trends in The US working environments are still increasing the usage of private office space for startups. This shift towards maximizing employee comfort and efficiency extends beyond the sales floor and private offices, right into the design of office restrooms, where solid plastic bathroom stalls are becoming a preferred choice. Not only do these stalls offer enhanced privacy and durability, but they also align with the overall goal of creating a more functional and pleasant workplace.


Across The US, new startups are additionally popularizing the usage of industrial office space. While industrial space is constantly associated with warehouses, distribution centers, and transportation facilities, they actually encompass much more. These industrial facilities are becoming increasingly popular throughout major US cities and townships. In addition, many startups that manufacture goods in-house require manufacturing facilities for light and heavy industry production. Many entrepreneurs are additionally considering flex space working environments, such as research and development facilities, data centers, or showrooms. Entrepreneurs looking to start a business in manufacturing, production, or development need to purchase sufficient industrial space. New startup businesses across the US are constantly purchasing modern industrial office space to keep up with changing business trends. 


Coworking office space trends are constantly changing business formats in major cities. Coworking environments involves the shared use of a working environment by multiple employees who are either self-employed or working for separate employers. 

“Working in these spaces allows different employees to collaborate on formulating ideas, share equipment and knowledge”, says The Collection, a firm specializing in creative space for rent in Los Angeles.

Coworking space have become increasingly popular in major cities for companies. These shared, collaborative spaces are a logical explanation of entrepreneurial, startup culture. Major trends in office space are popularizing the usage of coworking office space. 


Accelerators programs provide the excellent setting for members of entrepreneurial, startup culture to launch their business. Unlike other office environment options, accelerators provide thorough business advisory and support services. Entrepreneurs using an accelerator setting for their startup can receive business mentorship, educational advice, enhanced sales, and professional network connections. In many cases, working in an accelerator provides startup entrepreneurs the proper footing they need to launch their businesses. Major business trends across the US are popularizing the usage of accelerator office space for startup businesses. 

Changes in business infrastructure are constantly changing the working environment for new startup businesses. Space for real estate businesses is constantly growing throughout major US cities. Traditional private office space is still popular to support startup businesses. Some of the most popular methods for business owners looking to strategically collaborate are coworking and accelerator office layouts. Furthermore, many production-oriented businesses require industrial facilities in order to maintain their business operations. Consider the points above to learn more about the top changes impacting startup access to office spaces in the US.